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Below is a list of every paper/ book chapter published with the help of C-SOPS by year. If you require further assistance with locating an article, please contact Doug Hausner.

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2006  |  2007  |  2008 |  2009  |  2010 |  2011  |  2012 |  2013  |  2014 |  2015  |  2016 |  2017

Journal Papers

  1. Ban, J., Kumar, R., Agarwal, S., & Wassgren, C. (2017). Scaling inter‐tablet coating variability in a horizontal rotating drum. AIChE Journal.

  2. Bettencourt, F. E., Chaturbedi, A., & Ramachandran, R. (2017). Parallelization methods for efficient simulation of high dimensional population balance models of granulation. Computers & Chemical Engineering.

  3. Capece, M., Huang, Z., & Davé, R. (2017). Insight Into a Novel Strategy for the Design of Tablet Formulations Intended for Direct Compression. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 106(6), 1608-1617.

  4. Colón, Y. M., Vargas, J., Sánchez, E., Navarro, G., & Romañach, R. J. (2017). Assessment of Robustness for a Near-Infrared Concentration Model for Real-Time Release Testing in a Continuous Manufacturing Process. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 12(1), 14-25. 

  5. Deng, X., & Davé, R. N. (2017). Adhesion and friction of dry-coated nano-rough particles. Powder Technology, 314, 20-27.

  6. Deng, X., & Davé, R. N. (2017). Breakage of fractal agglomerates. Chemical Engineering Science, 161, 117-126.

  7. Grigorov, P. I., Glasser, B. J., & Muzzio, F. J. (2016). Improving dissolution kinetics of pharmaceuticals by fluidized bed impregnation of active pharmaceutical ingredients. AIChE Journal, 62(12), 4201-4214.

  8. Haas, N. T., Ierapetritou, M., & Singh, R. (2017). Advanced Model Predictive Feedforward/Feedback Control of a Tablet Press. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 12(2), 110-123.

  9. Içten, E., Purohit, H. S., Wallace, C., Giridhar, A., Taylor, L. S., Nagy, Z. K., & Reklaitis, G. V. (2017). Dropwise additive manufacturing of pharmaceutical products for amorphous and self emulsifying drug delivery systems. International journal of pharmaceutics, 524(1), 424-432.

  10. Koynov, S., Muzzio, F. J., & Glasser, B. J. (2016). A novel consolidation method to measure powder flow properties using a small amount of material. AIChE Journal, 62(12), 4193-4200.

  11. Krull, S. M., Ammirata, J., Bawa, S., Li, M., Bilgili, E., & Davé, R. N. (2017). Critical material attributes of strip films loaded with poorly water-soluble drug nanoparticles: II. Impact of polymer molecular weight. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 106(2), 619-628.

  12. Krull, S. M., Moreno, J., Li, M., Bilgili, E., & Davé, R. N. (2017). Critical material attributes (CMAs) of strip films loaded with poorly water-soluble drug nanoparticles: III. Impact of drug nanoparticle loading. International journal of pharmaceutics, 523(1), 33-41.

  13. Li, M., Alvarez, P., & Bilgili, E. (2017). A microhydrodynamic rationale for selection of bead size in preparation of drug nanosuspensions via wet stirred media milling. International journal of pharmaceutics, 524(1), 178-192.

  14. Liu, Z., Wang, Y., Muzzio, F. J., Callegari, G., & Drazer, G. (2017). Capillary drop penetration method to characterize the liquid wetting of powders. Langmuir, 33(1), 56-65.

  15. Oka S, Muzzio FJ. Using Residence Time Distributions to Understand Continuous Powder Blenders. Powder and Bulk Engineering. April 2017.

  16. Oka, S., Sahay, A., Meng, W., & Muzzio, F. (2017). Diminished segregation in continuous powder mixing. Powder Technology, 309, 79-88.

  17. Ortega-Zuñiga, C., Reyes-Maldonado, K., Méndez, R., & Romañach, R. J. (2017). Study of near infrared chemometric models with low heterogeneity films: The role of optical sampling and spectral preprocessing on partial least squares errors. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 25(2), 103-115.

  18. Emady, H. N., Anderson, K. V., Borghard, W. G., Muzzio, F. J., Glasser, B. J., & Cuitino, A. (2016). Prediction of conductive heating time scales of particles in a rotary drum. Chemical Engineering Science, 152, 45-54.

  19. Singh R, Muzzio FJ, Ierapetritou M, Ramachandran R. Systematic framework for design and implementation of plant-wide multilayer, sensing and control architecture into continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2016, Accepted.

  20. Vargas, J. M., Roman-Ospino, A. D., Sanchez, E., & Romañach, R. J. (2017). Evaluation of Analytical and Sampling Errors in the Prediction of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Concentration in Blends From a Continuous Manufacturing Process. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 12(2), 155-167.

  21. Wang, Z., Escotet-Espinoza, M. S., & Ierapetritou, M. (2017). Process analysis and optimization of continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing using flowsheet models. Computers & Chemical Engineering.

  22. Wang, Z., & Ierapetritou, M. (2017). A novel feasibility analysis method for black‐box processes using a radial basis function adaptive sampling approach. AIChE Journal, 63(2), 532-550.

  23. Wang, Y., Li, T., Muzzio, F. J., & Glasser, B. J. (2017). Predicting feeder performance based on material flow properties. Powder Technology, 308, 135-148.

  24. Ying, Y., Beck, C., Wu, A., Dave, R., & Iqbal, Z. (2017). Polymorph formation in fenofibrate in the absence and presence of polymer stabilizers: a low wavenumber Raman and differential scanning calorimetry study. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 48(5), 750-757.

Books & Book Chapters

  1. Reklaitis, G.V., C. B. Seymour, S. Garcia-Munoz (editors), (2017) Comprehensive Quality by Design for Pharmaceutical Product Development and Manufacture,  John Wiley & Sons.

  2. Bilgili, E., Capece, M., & Afolabi, A. (2016). Modeling of milling processes via DEM, PBM, and microhydrodynamics. In Predictive Modeling of Pharmaceutical Unit Operations (pp. 159-203). Elsevier Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  3. Joglekar G., A. Giridhar, L. Mockus, G.V. Reklaitis, (2017) Knowledge Management in Support of QbD. In Comprehensive Quality by Design for Pharmaceutical Product Development and Manufacture (Chapter 14), G.V. Reklaitis, C. B. Seymour, S. Garcia-Munoz (eds), John Wiley & Sons.

  4. Oka, S. S., Escotet-Espinoza, M. S., Singh, R., Scicolone, J. V., Hausner, D. B., Ierapetritou, M., & Muzzio, F. J. (2017). Design of an Integrated Continuous Manufacturing System. In Continuous Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals, (pp. 405-446).

  5. Ierapetritou M, Escotet-Espinoza M S, Singh R. (2017) Process Simulation and Control for Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing of Solid Drug Products. In Continuous Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals, (pp. 33-105).

Conference Papers & Invited Talks

  1. Pinzon de la Rosa C, Rodriguez V, Hormaza ML, Romañach RJ, ToS meets the NSF i-corps™ program. 8th World Conference on Sampling and Blending, Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Perth Australia, 2017.

  2. Reklaitis, G.V.  “Process System Engineering Contributions to Pharmaceutical Development, Manufacturing and Patient Treatment”, Smith School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University, February 27, 2017.

  3. Reklaitis, G.V. “Prospects and challenges for process systems engineering in healthcare”, 2040 Visions of Process Systems Engineering, Symposium in honor of 70th Birthday and retirement of Prof. George Stephanopoulos, Cambridge, MA, June 1-2, 2017, Invited lecture

  4. Reklaitis, G.V. and S. Garcia-Munoz, “Process Systems Engineering in Pharmaceutical Operations”, Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations & Chemical Process Control, Tucson, AZ, January 11, 2017. Plenary Lecture

  5.  Romañach RJ, Theory of Sampling - From Missing Link to Key Enabler for Process Analytical Technology (PAT). 8th World Conference on Sampling and Blending, Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Perth, Australia, 2017.

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Center for Structured Organic Particulate Systems

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Structured Particulate Systems

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