Research /
Below is a list of every paper/ book chapter published with the help of C-SOPS by year. If you require further assistance with locating an article, please contact Doug Hausner.
Journal Papers
Alcalà, M., León, J., Ropero, J., Blanco, M., Romañach, R.J., “Analysis of low content drug tablets by transmission near infrared spectroscopy: Selection of calibration ranges according to multivariate detection and quantitation limits of PLS models,” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 97(12), 5318-5327, 2008.
Alcalà, M., Ropero, J., Vázquez, R., and Romañach, R.J., “Deconvolution Of Chemical And Physical Information From Intact Tablets NIR Spectra. Two-And Three-Way Multivariate Calibration Strategies For Drug Quantitation,” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/jps.21634, published on-line December 12, 2008.
Bhat, P.P., Basaran, O.A., and Pasquali, M., “Dynamics of viscoelastic liquid filaments: low capillary number flows,” J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 150, 211-225, 2008.
Carvajal, M.T., Velázquez, C., Alcalà, M., and Romañach, R.J., “The Time for Process Understanding,” Pharmaceutical Technology Europe, 20(5), 26-31, 2008.
Chen, Y., Yang, J., Dave R. N., and Pfeffer, R., “Fluidization of Coated Group C Powders,” AIChE Journal, Volume 54, Issue 1, pp. 104-121, 2008.
Collins, R. T., Jones, J. J., Harris, M. T., and Basaran, O.A. “Electrohydrodynamic Tip Streaming: Emission of Charged Jets/Drops from Liquid Cones,” Nature Physics, 4, 149-154, 2008.
Feng, T., Pinal, R., and Carvajal, M. T., “Process Induced Disorder in Crystalline Materials: Differentiating Defective Crystals from the Amorphous Form of Griseofulvin,” J. Pharm. Sci. 97 (8): 3207-3221, 2008.
Feng, T., Wang, F., Pinal, R., Wassgren, C., and Carvajal, M. T., “Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Analysis -- A New Method to Determine the Variability in Online Near Infrared (NIR) Monitoring of Roller Compaction,” AAPS Pharm, Sci. Tech. 9 (2): 419-24, 2008.
Gift, A.D., Luner, P.E., Luedeman, L., and Taylor, L.S., “Influence of Polymeric Excipients on Crystal Hydrate Formation Kinetics in Aqueous Slurries,” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 97:5198-5211, 2008.
Konno, H., and Taylor, L.S., “Ability of Different Polymers to Inhibit the Crystallization of Amorphous Felodipine in the Presence of Moisture,” Pharmaceutical Research 25(4): 969-978, 2008.
Konno, H., Handa, T., Alonzo, D. E. and Taylor, L.S., “Effect of Polymer Type on the Dissolution Profile of Amorphous Solid Dispersions Containing Felodipine,” European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 70: 493-499, 2008.
Kumar, G., Smith, S., Jaiswal, R., and Beaudoin, S., “Scaling of Adhesion Forces from the Micro- to the Nano-scale”, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 22(5), 407-428, 2008.
Liu, L.X., Marziano, I., Bentham, A. C., Litster, J.D., White, E.T. and Howes, T., “Effect of particle properties on the compaction of ibuprofen powders,” Proc. Chemeca 2008, Newcastle, Paper 244 (10 p), CDROM IBSN85825-823-5, Instn Engrs. Australia, 2008.
Liua*, L.X., Marzianob, I., Benthamb, A.C., Litster, J.D., Whitea, E.T., and Howesa, T., “Effect of particle properties on the flowability of ibuprofen powders,” Int. J. Pharmaceutics, 362, 109-117, 2008.
Llusá, M., and Muzzio, F.J., “Introduction to studies in granular mixing,” Chemical Engineering Education, 42 (4), 2008.
Marsac, P.J., Konno, H., Rumondor, A.C.F., and Taylor, L.S., “Recrystallization of Nifedipine and Felodipine from Amorphous Molecular Level Solid Dispersions Containing Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) and Sorbed Water,” Pharmaceutical Research 25 (3):647-656, (2008).
Muzzio, F.J., Llusá, M., Goodridge, C.L., Duong, N.H., Shen, E. “Evaluating the mixing performance of a ribbon blender,” Powder Technology, 186 (3), 247-254 2008.
Poon, J.M-H, Immanuel, C.D., Doyle, F.J. and Litster, J.D., “A Three Dimensional Population Balance of Granulation with a Mechanistic Representation of Nucleation and Aggregation Phenomena,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 63, 1315-1329, 2008.
Portillo, P.M., Ierapetritou, M., Tomassone, S., Mc Dade, C., Clancy, D., Avontuur, P. P. C., and Muzzio, F. J., “Quality by Design Methodology for Development and Scale-up of Batch Mixing Processes,” Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 3 (4) 258-270, 2008.
Portillo, P.M., M.G. Ierapetritou, and Muzzio, F.J., “Characterization of Continuous Convective Powder Mixing Processes,” Powder Technology, 182, 368, 2008.
Portillo, P.M., Muzzio, F.J., and Ierapetritou, M.G., “Using Compartment Modeling to Investigate Mixing Behavior of a Continuous Mixer,” Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 3 (3) 161-174, 2008.
Quevedo, J., Patel, G., Pfeffer, R., Dave, R., “Agglomerates and granules of nanoparticles as filter media for submicron particles,” Powder Technology 183 (3), pp. 480-500, 2008.
Quintanilla, M.A.S., Valverde, J.M., Castellanos, A., Lepek, D., Pfeffer, R., and Dave, R. N., “Nano fuidization as affected by vibration and electrostatic fields,” Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 63, Issue 22, 5559-5569, 2008.
Romañach, R.J., “PAT – A Team Effort,” Pharmaceutical Technology Europe, 20(10): 44 – 46, 2008.
Shinbrot, T., Komatsu, T.S., and Zhao, Q., “Spontaneous tribocharging of similar materials,” Europhysics Letters 83, 24004 1-4, 2008.
Soh, J., Wang, F., Boersen, N., Pinal, R., Peck, G., Cheney, J., Valthorsson, H., Pazdan, J. and Carvajal, M. T., “Utility of Multivariate Analysis in Modeling the Effects of Raw Material Properties and Operating Parameters on Granule and Ribbon Properties Prepared in Roller Compaction,” Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 34(10): 1022-1035, 2008,
Towler C. S., Li, T., Wikström, H., Remmick, D., Sanchez-Felix, M. V., and Taylor, L. S., “An investigation into the influence of counter-ion on the properties of some amorphous organic salts,” Molecular Pharmaceutics. 5 (6): 946-955, 2008.
Valverde, J. M., Catellanos, A., Lepek, D., R. N. Dave, R. N., Pfeffer,R., “The effect of gas viscosity on the agglomerate particulate fluidization state of fine and ultrafine particles,” AIChE Journal, Volume 54, Issue 1, pp. 86-103, 2008.
Varma, V.A., Blau, G.E., Pekny, J.F., and Reklaitis, G.V., ”A Framework for addressing Stochastic and Combinatorial aspects of Scheduling and Resource Allocation in Pharmaceutical R&D Pipelines,” Computers & Chem Engr, 32. pp. 1000-1015, 2008.
Varma, V.A., G.E. Blau, J.F. Pekny and G.V. Reklaitis, ”A Framework for addressing Stochastic and Combinatorial aspects of Scheduling and Resource Allocation in Pharmaceutical R&D Pipelines,” Computers & Chem Engr, 32. pp. 1000-1015, 2008.
Venkatasubramanian, V. and Morris, K.R., “Drinking from a Fire Hose,” Pharmaceutical Technology Europe, 2008. (Invited Paper, Refereed).
Widjaja, E. and Harris, M. T., “Numerical Study of Vapor Phase-Diffusion Driven Sessile Drop Evaporation,” Computers & Chemical Engineering 32: 2169-2178 (2008).
Xi, C., and Shapley, N.C., “Flows of concentrated suspensions through an asymmetric bifurcation,” Journal of Rheology 52, 625-647, 2008.
Publications from Associated Projects
Alcalà, M., León, J., Ropero, J., Blanco, M., Romañach, R.J., “Analysis of low content drug tablets by transmission near infrared spectroscopy: Selection of calibration ranges according to multivariate detection and quantitation limits of PLS models,” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 97(12), 5318-5327 (2008)
Bai, G., Armenante, P. M., Plank, R. V., “Experimental and Computational Determination of Blend Time in USP Dissolution Testing Apparatus II,” J. Pharm. Sci., 2007, 96(11): 3072-3086.
Bhat, P. P., Basaran, O. A., and Pasquali, M., “Dynamics of viscoelastic liquid filaments: low capillary number flows,” J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 150, 211-225, 2008.
Carvajal, M.T., Velázquez, C., Alcalà, M., and Romañach, R.J., “The Time for Process Understanding,” Pharmaceutical Technology Europe, 20(5), 26 - 31 (2008)
Chen, Y., Yang, J., Mujumdar, A., and Dave, R. N., “Fluidized Bed Film Coating of Cohesive Geldart Group C Powders,” Powder Technology, submitted, April 2008, revision submitted June 2008. Accepted August 2008, 189 (2009) 466–480 (doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2008.08.002)
Chen, Y., Yang, J., Dave, R. N., and Pfeffer, R., “Granulation of Cohesive Geldart Group C Powders in a Mini-Glatt Fluidized Bed,” Powder Technology, submitted, February 2008, in press- available on-line, doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2008.10.010.
Chen, Y., Yang, J., Dave R. N., and Pfeffer, R., “Fluidization of Coated Group C Powders,” AIChE Journal, Volume 54, Issue 1, pp. 104-121, January 2008.
Collins, R. T., Jones, J. J., Harris, M. T., and Basaran, O. A. “Electrohydrodynamic Tip Streaming: Emission of Charged Jets/Drops from Liquid Cones,” Nature Physics, 4, 149-154 (2008).
Ely, D. R., Thommes, M., and Carvajal, M. T., “Analysis of the Effects of Particle Size and Densification on NIR Spectra,” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, (2008), Available on line
Feng, T., Pinal, R., and Carvajal, M. T., “Process Induced Disorder in Crystalline Materials: Differentiating Defective Crystals from the Amorphous Form of Griseofulvin,” J. Pharm. Sci. 97 (8): 3207-3221 (2008).
Feng, T., Wang, F., Pinal, R., Wassgren, C., and and Carvajal, M. T., “Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Analysis -- A New Method to Determine the Variability in Online Near Infrared (NIR) Monitoring of Roller Compaction,” AAPS Pharm, Sci. Tech. 9 (2): 419-24(2008).
Gift, A.D., Luner, P.E., Luedeman, L., and Taylor, L.S., “Influence of Polymeric Excipients on Crystal Hydrate Formation Kinetics in Aqueous Slurries,” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 97:5198-5211, (2008).
Hailemariam, L. M., Suresh, P., Akkisetty, V. P. K., Joglekar, G., Hsu, S.-H., Jain, A., Morris, K. R., Reklaitis, G. V., Basu, P. K., and Venkatasubramanian, V., “Excipient Interaction Predicton: Application of Purdue Ontology for Pharmaceutical Engineering (POPE)”, Proceedings of the 18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE-18, Lyon, France, June 2008, 85-90
Hailemariam, L., Suresh, P., Akkisetty, V. P. K., Joglekar, G., Hsu, S-H., Jain, A., Morris, K., Reklaitis, G. V., Basu, P., and Venkatasubramanian, V. “Excipient Interaction Prediction: Application of the Purdue Ontology for Pharmaceutical Engineering (POPE),” In B. Braunscweig and X. Joulia (ed.), 18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering Series, Vol. 23, 85—90. Elsevier, Amsterdam (June 2008).
Jiang, X., Trunov, M. A., Schoenitz, M., Dave, R. N., and Dreizin, E. L., “Mechanical Alloying and Reactive Milling in a High Energy Planetary Mill,” Acta Materialia, submitted, July 2008, in press, 2009,doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2008.12.021.
Konno, H., and Taylor, L.S., “Ability of Different Polymers to Inhibit the Crystallization of Amorphous Felodipine in the Presence of Moisture,” Pharmaceutical Research 25(4): 969-978, (2008).
Konno, H., Handa, T., Alonzo, D. E. and Taylor, L. S., “Effect of Polymer Type on the Dissolution Profile of Amorphous Solid Dispersions Containing Felodipine,” European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. 70:493-499, (2008).
Kumar, G., Smith, S., Jaiswal, R., and Beaudoin, S., “Scaling of Adhesion Forces from the Micro- to the Nano-scale”, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 22(5), 407-428, (2008).
Liu, L.X., Marziano, I., Bentham, A. C., Litster, J.D., White, E.T. and Howes, T., “Effect of particle properties on the compaction of ibuprofen powders,” Proc. Chemeca 2008, Newcastle, Paper 244 (10 p), CDROM IBSN85825-823-5, Instn Engrs. Australia, (2008).
Liua*, L. X., Marzianob, I., Benthamb, A. C., Litsterc, J.D., Whitea, E.T., and Howesa, T., “Effect of particle properties on the flowability of ibuprofen powders,” Int. J. Pharmaceutics, 362, 109-117, (2008).
Llusá, M., and Muzzio, F.J., “Introduction to studies in granular mixing,” Chemical Engineering Education, 42 (4), (2008).
Llusá, M.; Sturm, K.; Sudah, O.; Stamato, H.; Goldfarb, D.J.; Ramachandruni, H.; Hammond, S.; Smith, M.R.; Muzzio, F.J. “Effect of High Shear Blending Protocols and Blender Parameters on the Degree of API Agglomeration in Solid Formulations,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Online, December 2008.
Muzzio, F.J., Llusá, M., Goodridge, C.L., Duong, N.H., Shen, E. “Evaluating the mixing performance of a ribbon blender,” Powder Technology, 186 (3), 247-254 (2008).
Poon, J.M-H, Immanuel, C.D., Doyle, F.J. and Litster, J.D., A Three Dimensional Population Balance of Granulation with a Mechanistic Representation of Nucleation and Aggregation Phenomena, Chem. Eng. Sci., 63, 1315-1329, (2008).
Portillo, P.M., Ierapetritou, M., Tomassone, S., Mc Dade, C., Clancy, D., Avontuur, P. P. C., and Muzzio, F. J., “Quality by Design Methodology for Development and Scale-up of Batch Mixing Processes,” Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 3 (4) 258-270 (2008).
Portillo, P.M., M.G. Ierapetritou, and Muzzio, F.J., “Characterization of Continuous Convective Powder Mixing Processes,” Powder Technology. 182, 368, 2008.
Portillo, P.M., Muzzio, F.J., and Ierapetritou, M.G., “Using Compartment Modeling to Investigate Mixing Behavior of a Continuous Mixer,” Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 3 (3) 161-174 (2008),
Quevedo, J., Patel, G., Pfeffer, R., Dave, R., “ Agglomerates and granules of nanoparticles as filter media for submicron particles,” Powder Technology 183 (3), pp. 480-500 (2008), doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2008.01.020
Ramachandran, R., Immanuel, C. D., Stepanek, F., Litster, J. D., Doyle III, F. J., “A mechanistic model for breakage in population balances of granulation: Theoretical kernel development and experimental validation,” Chemical Engineering Research and Design Part A, in press. (2008)
Shinbrot, T., Komatsu, T.S., and Zhao, Q., “Spontaneous tribocharging of similar materials,” Europhysics Letters 83, 24004 1-4, (2008).
Soh, J., Wang, F., Boersen, N., Pinal, R., Peck, G., Cheney, J., Valthorsson, H., Pazdan, J. and Carvajal, M. T., “Utility of Multivariate Analysis in Modeling the Effects of Raw Material Properties and Operating Parameters on Granule and Ribbon Properties Prepared in Roller Compaction,” Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 34(10):1022-1035 (2008), [Supported by CAMP].
Towler C. S., Li, T., Wikström, H., Remmick, D., Sanchez-Felix, M. V., and Taylor, L. S., “An investigation into the influence of counter-ion on the properties of some amorphous organic salts,” Molecular Pharmaceutics. 5 (6): 946-955, (2008).
Valverde, J. M., Catellanos, A., Lepek, D., R. N. Dave, R. N., Pfeffer,R., “The effect of gas viscosity on the agglomerate particulate fluidization state of fine and ultrafine particles,” AIChE Journal, Volume 54, Issue 1, pp. 86-103, January 2008.
Varma, V.A., Blau, G.E., Pekny, J.F., and Reklaitis, G.V., ”A Framework for addressing Stochastic and Combinatorial aspects of Scheduling and Resource Allocation in Pharmaceutical R&D Pipelines,” Computers & Chem Engr, 32. pp.1000-1015 (April-May 2008)
Varma, V.A., G.E. Blau, J.F. Pekny and G.V. Reklaitis, ”A Framework for addressing Stochastic and Combinatorial aspects of Scheduling and Resource Allocation in Pharmaceutical R&D Pipelines,” Computers & Chem Engr, 32. pp.1000-1015 (April-May 2008).
Venkatasubramanian, V. and Morris, K. R., “Drinking from a Fire Hose,” Pharmaceutical Technology Europe, Sept 2008. (Invited Paper, Refereed).
Xi, C., and Shapley, N.C., “Flows of concentrated suspensions through an asymmetric bifurcation,” Journal of Rheology 52, 625-647 (2008).