CSOPS Event: C-SOPS Forms Partnership with USP for Developing Solid Dose CM Standards
This summer C-SOPS established a partnership with the U.S. Pharmacopoeial Convention (USP) to bring together experts in continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing to begin to address the development of standards within this space. Our first joint activity was a roundtable workshop that took place at USP headquarters on June 27-28, 2016. The goal of this roundtable was to build consensus around the topic which would be best suited for consideration by USP committees tasked with exploring the development of standards for continuous solid dose manufacturing. The meeting content and initial output is available to download through the link in this email or through the C-SOPS Data Portal. A full report is currently being drafted and should be available in September. Following the roundtable workshop, the USP Council of Experts approved the creation of an Expert Panel on Continuous Manufacturing within the USP committee structure. In the coming days there will be an application to submit individuals for consideration to participate on the EP. This is an important opportunity for those who have been involved in the development of this technology. Moving forward C-SOPS and USP plan to work collaboratively through multiple efforts. Stay tuned for future announcements.

Use the direct download link above (now using Box.com) or access the download by logging into the C-SOPS Data Portal: Sakai -http://tinyurl.com/ercsakai
For questions, comments, or assistance of any type contact C-SOPS at info@csops.org or 848-445-6709/ 848-445-6710